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Dr Elizabeth Hovey, MB BS FRACP MSc

Dr Elizabeth Hovey, MB BS FRACP MSc


  • Dr, Medical Oncology, SESIAHS & UNSW, Prince of Wales Hospital


Dr Hovey is a Senior Staff Specialist in Medical Oncology at Prince of Wales Hospital, Conjoint Senior Lecturer at UNSW and Honorary Associate of the University of Sydney. CI Hovey’s main areas of expertise and research interest are  genitourinary oncology and neuro-oncology. She was a recipient of full scholarship to complete a Masters of Science in Biostatistics in Patient-Oriented Research at the Columbia University School of School of Public Health. (2 year programme 1999-2001). At the same time she was a Post-graduate Haematology-Oncology Fellow at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Centre from 1998-2001, becoming their Inaugural Genito-urinary Oncology Fellow in 1999. She currently is an active member on both the Prostate and Bladder Sub-committees of ANZUP. She has been an invited speaker on many occasions talknig about prostate cancer to peers, UNSW Pharmacology Students, registrars, students and patients.

In terms of commitment to supportive care research, she is also the Lead Principal Investigator  (Study Chair) for an Investigator-initiated industry sponsored multicentre phase III randomised clinical trial addressing fatigue in the setting of prostate and breast cancer. This national 25-hospital study has recently completed recruitment. These results were recently presented at GU ASCO ASM 2012 in San Franciscol She has been the local PI of numerous genito-urinary clinical trials at both Liverpool Hospital and Prince of Wales Hospital, particularly castrate-resistant prostate cancer.

CI Hovey is an important figure in the Australian neuro-oncology community as the outgoing Chair of the COSA (Clinical Oncological Society of Australia) Neuro-oncology Group after 2 elected terms (2006-2010); the current Deputy Chair of the NSW Cancer Institute Neurooncology Group (recently elected in for a second term) and the Secretary of COGNO (Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-oncology) also serving on its Operations Executive. Dr Hovey was awarded a Health Innovations Grant as Lead Physician from the NSW Cancer Institute in 2007 to examine the impact of the introduction of a clinical care co-ordinator for neuro-oncology at Liverpool Hospital. CI Hovey coordinated the successful competitive 2007 grant application to Cancer Australia, which culminated in theformation of COGNO (Cooperative Trials Group of Australia). As part of the COGNO Operations Executive she also has been involved in the subsequent reports and successful applications to Cancer Australia for COGNO’s recurrent funding, and CI for a NSW Cancer Institute Infrastructure Grant, representing COGNO.She is the NSW Chief Investigator for the international EORTC/TROG Low Grade Glioma Study(Australian PI DR Gail Ryan), which is addressing the very significant question of the role of chemotherapy versus radiation in this very challenging setting. Australian sites contributed very meaningfully to this study. This study has attracted NHMRC funding. She is an AI for a number of important neurooncology initiatives including AGOG (Australian Genomics and Clinical Outcomes in Glioma) currently receiving funding from a NSW Cancer Council STREP Grant. This is animportant initiative linking tissue, genetics, epidemiology and clinical outcome data for glioma patients around Australia.She is an AI for the COGNO (CABARET) study in recurrent glioma. This is a significant study which aims to address the role of angiogenesis inhibitors in the setting of recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.She has been involved in the protocol design from the outset. Dr Hovey is also collaborating with translational scientists, recently becoming an AI (for a study funded after a competitive process by Cure Cancer Australia Foundation): The anti-cancer effects of cholesterol trafficking and synthesis inhibitors as co-drugs in an in vivo glioblastoma multiforme model.

Currently on Panel of reviewers for a number of journals including Annals of Oncology (international journal), Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, Medical Journal of Australia, recently invited to join reviewers for Frontiers in Neuro-Oncology.

Best publications:


1.. Articles: KAO, S. C.-H., HOVEY, E. and MARX, G. (2011), Second-line therapy for castrate-resistant prostate cancer: A literature review. Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 7: 212–223.

2. Susannah Jacob, Elizabeth Hovey, Weng Ng, Shalini Vinod, Geoff P Delaney, Michael B Barton. “Estimation of an optimal chemotherapy utilisation rate for lung cancer: An evidence-based benchmark for cancer care.”Lung Cancer 69 (2010) 307–314


3. Australian Cancer Network Adult Brain Tumour Guidelines Working Party. Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Management Adult  Gliomas:  Astrocytomas and Oligodendrogliomas. Cancer Council Australia, Australian Cancer Network and Clinical Oncological Society of Australia Inc., Sydney 2009

 Project Officer:     Dr Elizabeth Hovey:  Also Co-Editor (& Chapter leader: Approach to Patient):):

                                 Also Currently available on under Guidelines.

(Also heavily involved with matching set of Consumer Guidelines published May 2011 as medical Oncology representative, Co-Editor and Chapter Leader)

4. Elizabeth Hovey, Gavin Marx, Andrew Kneebone, Manish Patel and Jeremy Shapiro “An Australian clinical perspective: Management of hormone refractory (androgen-independent) prostate cancer” APJOH 2009, 1(1). March 2009

 (APJOH- Asia Pacific Journal of Oncology and Haematology;  peer-reviewed journal)


5. E.Hovey, G.Gabriel, M.George,  J.Shapiro, B.Chern, E.Moylan. "Experience

with  docetaxel in hormone-refractory  prostate cancer (HRPC) at three Australian cancer centers: a retrospective study." Asia-Pac J Clin Oncol 2007; 3: 156-162


Work Focus:

  • Work Focus (Clinical): Senior Staff Specialist Medical Oncology, Sub-specialty interests: Genitourinary Oncology and Neuro-Oncology
  • Work Focus (Professional): Conjoint Senior Lecturer,UNSW, Honorary Associate University of Sydney

castrate-reistant prostate cancer, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, patient communication, supportive care, fatigue.

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