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Mr Kenneth Ng

Mr Kenneth Ng


  • Graduate Student, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University of Toronto


Kenneth Ng is interested in developing technologies to assist in the focal treatment of localized prostate cancer.  His focus is in applying discoveries in nanotechnology to complement existing therapeutic and diagnostic approaches in prostate cancer. Recently Mr Ng and his co-workers have been working on developing photoacoustically-active functional nanomaterials.  One of the biggest achievements in their lab was the synthesis of the first all-organic nanoparticle with photoacoustic, photothermal and photosensitizing properties. 

Mr Ng’s project involves examining strategies for real time monitoring of treatment progression during focal thermal therapy of localized prostate cancer.  Specifically, he has designed a nanoparticle that can provide imaging contrast by photoacoustic imaging and has a tunable phase transition, which enables sensitive temperature sensing properties upon injection.  The next step is to examine the effectiveness of using photoacoustic imaging in conjunction with this nanoparticle to monitor tumour temperature during focal thermal therapy in both xenograft and orthotopic models of prostate cancer.

Best publications:

Ng K.K., Lovell J.F., Vedadi A., Hajian T. & Zheng G.
Self-Assembled Porphyrin Nanodiscs with Structure-Dependent Activation for Phototherapy and Photodiagnostic Applications
ACS Nano, 2013.
Ng, K.K.; Lovell, J.F. & Zheng, G.
Lipoprotein-Inspired Nanoparticles for Cancer Theranostics.
Accounts of Chemical Research, 2011.
Cao, W.; Ng, K.K.; Corbin, I.; Zhang, Z.; Ding, L.; Chen, J. & Zheng, G.
Synthesis and Evaluation of a Stable Bacteriochlorophyll-Analog and Its Incorporation into High-Density Lipoprotein Nanoparticles for Tumor Imaging.
Bioconjugate Chem., 2009, 20, 2023-2031

nanoparticle synthesis, photodynamic therapy, photothermal therapy, functional nanomaterials, prostate cancer, imaging modalities, molecular imaging.

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