
Dual successes for APCRC-Q PhD student, Claire Levrier

It has been an impressive month for APCRC-Q PhD student, Claire Levrier, who was recently awarded two exciting accolades.

She won first prize for her oral presentation at the Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR) Postgraduate Student Conference held at Queensland Institute of Medical Research (QIMR) on 27 May 2015.

Claire's presentation was entitled:  "Mechanism of action studies in prostate cancer cells of a new compound isolated from an Australian endemic rainforest tree". The award included a cash prize of $300.

Claire was also awarded a CTx PhD top-up scholarship, worth $10,000 per annum for her research aimed at discovering new cytotoxic compounds from Australian endemic plants and their mechanisms of action in prostate cancer.

“These are very worthy achievements,” said APCRC-Q Executive Director and Claire’s co-supervisor, Prof Colleen Nelson. “Congratulations, Claire!”

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